Bench Jujol

Bench Jujol

As a complement to the sofa, a bench is needed, sitting from both directions and built on the same ribs. The solution became omega shaped gables, giving it a clear and independent character.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.jujol_bench-small
  • ProduktfamilieJujol
  • ProduktgruppeBench
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2020-04-14
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Materiale primærtAluminium
  • Materiale sekundærtFyr
  • Designet iSverige
  • Fremstillet iSverige
  • BIMobject-kategoriLandskabsplanlægning - Udemøbler
  • IFC-klassifikationMøbler
  • Uniclass 2015-kodePr_40_50_12
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseChairs, seats and benches

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