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VERSATEX Soffit System
VERSATEX Soffit System
VERSATEX Soffit System
VERSATEX Soffit System

    VERSATEX Soffit System

    The VERSATEX Soffit System improves aesthetics and reduces labor costs during installation.

    The Stealth Frieze board feature a discrete 3/4" deep X 3/4" wide groove to accept nearly all siding products.

    The Soffit is available in solid or vented. The vented has an 1/8" wide groove making it impossible for insects to get in.

    The Vented Soffit features 10" of free airspace per linear foot, making it one of the most superior air flow systems in the market today.

    These products are easy to install with the same tools and fasteners used with any wood trim

      • While we do still manufacture solid soffit, VERSATEX offers the only vented system in the industry.
      • This Vented Soffit has a 8/4 repeating vent pattern that provides 10 square inches of free air space per lineal foot. Plus, vents are cut in a manner to prevent nesting insect infiltration, making screening an option and not a requirement.
      • Add the notched fascia and frieze board and you have an easy-to-install and efficient system.
    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaversatex-soffit-system
    • Skupina výrobkůPVC Trim
    • Skupina produktůSoffit System
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2024-10-17
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Kategorie objektu BIMStavební materiály - Stavební materiály
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201406 65 00
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Plastic Trim
    • Číslo OmniClass23-13 37 23 21
    • Název OmniClassTrims, Edgings, Capping

    Dostupnost regionu

    Severní Amerika
    Spojené státy americké