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Commercial Dynamic Dome Skylight (CMD_) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees
Commercial Dynamic Dome Skylight (CMD_) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees

    Commercial Dynamic Dome Skylight (CMD_) for roof slopes 0 - 60 degrees

    A Revolution in Commercial Skylights

    VELUX has just revolutionized the commercial skylight market with the introduction of the new VELUX Dynamic Dome, an innovative product that balances the structural demands of industry professionals with an architecturally progressive design.

    The benefits of Dynamic Dome Skylights

    Light Harvesting

    The sidewall of the VELUX Dynamic Dome has been engineered to closely match the angles of the sun during low-light periods (morning and evening) in order to harvest more sunlight to transfer indoors. The Dynamic Dome is also taller (30 percent of the total width of the skylight), which optimizes it for increased light transmittance. In addition, our innovative clear-smooth outer- dome over white-prismatic-inner- dome design provides 100 percent diffusion while also delivering up to 20 percent more light than our competitor’s designs.

    Industry Leading Strength

    By integrating a repeating pattern of ridges and ribs based on the geometry of an octahedron, the VELUX Dynamic Dome offers uncompromising strength within a visually stunning architectural design. Our glazing is also engineered from the finest thermoplastic material, making it the industry’s most robust combination of low-weight and high strength.

    Competitive Market Pricing

    To cut costs, VELUX utilizes a high volume manufacturing process. We are also able to ship more skylights per truckload (allowing for compounded savings in freight) due to the compact nesting nature of the VELUX Dynamic Dome. Costs associated with curb tape and silicone are also eliminated due to our dry installation method.

    Unmatched Architectural Elegance

    Without question, no other commercial skylight on the market can match the unique design and architectural elegance of the VELUX Dynamic Dome.

    Superior Water Management

    Unlike most commercial skylights that allow condensation to collect within an interior gutter, the VELUX Dynamic Dome utilizes a fail-safe proprietary wicking system that evacuates condensation to the exterior of the skylight. We’ve also incorporated a one-piece inner frame, creating superior durability (eliminating the need for corner welds that can leak) and 50-year silicone.

    Secure Thermal Seal

    The VELUX Dynamic Dome incorporates an encapsulating design that provides an impenetrable water barrier with a 100 percent thermally broken skylight frame, thereby isolating interior surfaces from exterior temperatures. This 'warm design' virtually eliminates condensation while also providing a secure weather seal to the curb to impede air, water, and bug infiltration.

    • 2.1        MANUFACTURERS

      A.         Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of VELUX America LLC, Greenwood, SC 29648;; (800) 878-3589, 

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotavelux-dynamic-dome
    • Skupina výrobkůWindows
    • Skupina produktůSkylights
    • Datum zveřejnění2025-01-21
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálSklo
    • Navrženo vSpojené státy americké
    • Vyrobeno vSpojené státy americké
    • Kategorie objektu BIMOkna - Světlíky
    • Klasifikace IFCOkno
    • Kód ETIMEC003112
    • Název ETIMSkylight
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_30_59_72_77
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Skylights
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201408 62 13
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Domed Unit Skylights
    • Číslo OmniClass23-17 17 13 11
    • Název OmniClassDomed Unit Skylights

    Dostupnost regionu

    Oceánie Severní Amerika Jižní Amerika
    Americká Samoa
    Cookovy ostrovy
    Federativní státy Mikronésie
    Spojené státy americké
    Francouzská Polynésie
    Marshallovy ostrovy
    Nová Kaledonie
    Nový Zéland
    ostrov Norfolk
    Pitcairnovy ostrovy
    Šalamounovy ostrovy
    Severní Mariany
    United States Minor Outlying Islands
    Východní Timor
    Wallis a Futuna