An extremely versatile product range that can be used to attractively illuminate all entrance, recreation and transit zones such as corridors, stairways, forums and foyers in compliance with standards. There is a choice of three shapes, each in several sizes, which can be perfectly adapted to the individual application in terms of mounting method, lighting technology, protection rating etc. The wide range of variants allows building areas to be zoned, while the range-typical high quality design creates a holistic solution with a single look.
Dostupnost regionu
Asie | Evropa |
Katar | Belgie |
Kuvajt | Bosna a Hercegovina |
Omán | Bulharsko |
Saúdská Arábie | Černá Hora |
Spojené arabské emiráty | Česká republika |
Turecko | Chorvatsko |
Dánsko | |
Finsko | |
Francie | |
Irsko | |
Itálie | |
Maďarsko | |
Německo | |
Nizozemsko | |
Norsko | |
Polsko | |
Portugalsko | |
Rakousko | |
Řecko | |
Rumunsko | |
Slovensko | |
Slovinsko | |
Španělsko | |
Srbsko | |
Švédsko | |
Švýcarsko | |
Velká Británie |