This wall-mounted, low consumption TORNADO FLUSH toilet works as a 1.0, 1.28, or 1.6 GPF (3.8, 4.8, or 6.0 LPF) toilet when paired with a flush valve of corresponding flush volume. Toilet can be mounted at ADA height. A special version of this toilet will work with reclaimed water systems.
Dostupnost regionu
Jižní Amerika | Severní Amerika |
Argentina | Mexiko |
Bolívie | Spojené státy americké |
Brazílie | |
Chile | |
Ekvádor | |
Falklandy (Malvíny) | |
Francouzská Guyana | |
Guyana | |
Kolumbie | |
Paraguay | |
Peru | |
Surinam | |
Uruguay | |
Venezuela |