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Sunbreaker between consoles horizontal installation - Recti'ligne range
Sunbreaker between consoles horizontal installation - Recti'ligne range

    Sunbreaker between consoles horizontal installation - Recti'ligne range

    Blades of the Recti’Ligne range re monobloc profiles with a rectangular or trapezoidal shape, in extruded aluminum. They are mainly used for: brise-soleil, screen and facade cladding. Finally, they are available in 19 different sections.
    • The brise-soleil Recti'Ligne with an application in cassette is composed of :
      ›› Blades’ flanges : cassette system;
      ›› Rectangular of blades.

      Dimensioning of the mounting flanges is defined after studies (thickness and material).
      Standard blade lengths are 4000, 5000 and 6000 mm (other lengths available upon request).

      The application type with cassette system provide a simple and quick way to install your brise-soleil :
      1) The blades are to be screwed between the mounting flanges ;
      2) The modules are to be fixed on the facade (brackets in stand-by position, folded return, between structural supports, etc.) ;
      3) Assembly at the customer’s charge.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaTEL010005
    • Skupina výrobkůSolar shading
    • Skupina produktůBrise - soleil entre consoles pose horizontale
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2019-11-25
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálHliník
    • Vedlejší materiálHliník
    • Navrženo vFrancie
    • Vyrobeno vFrancie
    • Kategorie objektu BIMKonstrukce - Stínící Systémy

    Dostupnost regionu

    Severní Amerika Evropa Jižní Amerika Oceánie Afrika
    Francouzská Polynésie
    Nová Kaledonie
    Saint-Pierre a Miquelon
    Wallis a Futuna
    Svatý Bartoloměj
    Svatý Martin