Publikovat produkty
WestPort Horizontal Strap Backed Benches

WestPort Horizontal Strap Backed Benches

The WestPort utilizes horizontal seat straps. Each 1/4" seat strap is supported by a series of extremely sturdy braces holding each strap firmly in place. Such engineering provides a durable and aesthetically pleasing product in all aspects.

Choose six or eight foot length; backed or backless bench; steel bar ends, cast iron ends, or steel bar no armrests; zero or one center armrest; powdercoat or Duracoat finish; and color.

Sustainability and LEED
WestPort benches have a recycled material content of 99% of which 87% is post consumer content. This content may vary based on the product design, product material type, and interchangeable piece parts. All styles are 100% recyclable. For more information about SiteScapes sustainable products and policies, please refer to our Environmental Statement.
Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotasitescapes-002a
  • Skupina výrobkůFurniture
  • Skupina produktůBenches
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2012-01-21
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Navrženo vSpojené státy americké
  • Vyrobeno vSpojené státy americké
  • Kategorie objektu BIMZahradní architektura - Venkovní nábytek
  • Klasifikace IFCNábytek
  • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201432 33 43
  • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Site Seating and Tables

Dostupnost regionu

Severní Amerika
Spojené státy americké

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