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Architectural LED post top (VX600)

Architectural LED post top (VX600)

The Hadco Architectural LED post top is a masterful blend of tradition and modern technology captured in sturdy cast aluminum, rendering years of maintenance-free operation. It creates a warm and friendly ambiance with its design while at the same time offering high-end technology and photometric performance is the strength of this beautiful luminaire. Architectural's transitional design is suited to a broad range of environments with the utility and efficiency of performance optics for multiple urban applications.
Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaArchitectural_LED_post_top_VX600
  • Skupina výrobkůHadco
  • Skupina produktůOutdoor luminaires - Urban
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2022-09-12
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Kategorie objektu BIMOsvětlení - Venkovní
  • Klasifikace IFCUchycení světla

Dostupnost regionu

Severní Amerika
Spojené státy americké