PREFA aluminium roof tiles represent the highest quality standards in stability and durability, in conjunction with a timeless, clear-cut architectural style. With the new R.16 roof tile, PREFA has developed a minimalist roof design which allows the greatest possible scope for realising distinctive architecture: thanks to the large format of 70 cm in length, it is now possible to cover the roof with 3.4 roof tiles per square metre, while at the same time, achieving exceptional aesthetic effects.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa |
Belgie |
Česká republika |
Chorvatsko |
Dánsko |
Estonsko |
Francie |
Irsko |
Itálie |
Litva |
Lotyšsko |
Lucembursko |
Maďarsko |
Německo |
Nizozemsko |
Norsko |
Polsko |
Rakousko |
Rusko |
Slovensko |
Slovinsko |
Švédsko |
Švýcarsko |
Velká Británie |