The hug collection shares values linked to the intimate side and care of oneself and the others. The grab bars from the contemporary design are in the spotlight. They are safe and functional but also extremely versatile and creative. They come in vertical and horizontal versions and match perfectly with the mirrors, furnishing elements, containers and washbasins of the project - G18JCS08
Dostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika | Jižní Amerika |
Anguilla | Argentina |
Antigua a Barbuda | Bolívie |
Aruba | Brazílie |
Bahamy | Chile |
Barbados | Ekvádor |
Belize | Falklandy (Malvíny) |
Bermudské ostrovy | Francouzská Guyana |
Britské Panenské ostrovy | Guyana |
Curaçao | Kolumbie |
Dominika | Paraguay |
Dominikánská republika | Peru |
Gaudeloupe | Surinam |
Grenada | Uruguay |
Grónsko | Venezuela |
Guatemala | |
Haiti | |
Honduras | |
Jamajka | |
Kajmanské ostrovy | |
Kanada | |
Karibské Nizozemsko | |
Kostarika | |
Kuba | |
Martinik | |
Mexiko | |
Montserrat | |
Nikaragua | |
ostrovy Turks a Caicos | |
Panama | |
Pannenske Ostrovy | |
Portoriko | |
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | |
Salvador | |
Spojené státy americké | |
Svatá Lucie | |
Svatý Bartoloměj | |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | |
Svatý Martin | |
Svatý Martin | |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | |
Trinidad a Tobago |