Publikovat produkty
Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3
Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3
Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3
Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3
Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3

    Kitchen Module stand MSTU-3

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 490, 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D680

    Stand for 3 units, to combine with 640 and 940 mm cabinet, D455

    • MSTU-3-1960-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 1960 mm, right

      MSTU-3-1960-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 1960 mm, right

      MSTU-3-1960-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 1960 mm, left

      MSTU-3-1960-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 1960 mm, left

      MSTU-3-2110-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, right

      MSTU-3-2110-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, right

      MSTU-3-2110-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, left

      MSTU-3-2110-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, left

      MSTU-4-2110-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, right

      MSTU-4-2110-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, right

      MSTU-4-2110-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, left

      MSTU-4-2110-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2110 mm, left

      MSTU-3-2260-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, right

      MSTU-3-2260-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, right

      MSTU-3-2260-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, left

      MSTU-3-2260-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, left

      MSTU-4-2260-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, right

      MSTU-4-2260-H, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, right

      MSTU-4-2260-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, left

      MSTU-4-2260-V, Module Stand Base unit 3 comps, width 2260 mm, left

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaModule-stand-3
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2025-02-10
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálDřevo
    • Navrženo vŠvédsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMKuchyně - Kuchyňské Skříňky
    • Klasifikace IFCVybavení nábytkem
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Pr_60_65_94_45
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Kitchen canopies
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201412 35 30.13
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Kitchen Casework
    • Číslo OmniClass23-21 19 15 33 11
    • Název OmniClassResidential Kitchen Specialty Casework

    Dostupnost regionu
