IMPERCOAT VAPOR WET is a black asphalt paste, formulated from refined bitumens, selected minerals, and synthetic fibers dissolved in very fast evaporating solvents, which provide it with extraordinary adherence, resistance, and elasticity; in addition to total impermeability.
GUARDQUIM ARENA SÍLICE is ecological silica sand washed and dried in the oven with controlled granulometry. It comes in three types: GUARDQUIM ARENA SÍLICE No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.
Dostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika | Jižní Amerika | Evropa | Asie |
Guatemala | Ekvádor | Španělsko | Jemen |
Honduras | Kolumbie | Omán | |
Kanada | Peru | Saúdská Arábie | |
Kostarika | |||
Mexiko | |||
Nikaragua | |||
Salvador | |||
Spojené státy americké |