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HS 5015 PU N 42, high-speed sectional door

HS 5015 PU N 42, high-speed sectional door

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Hörmann high-speed sectional door HS 5015 PU N 42 Insulated door construction for inside and outside with rigid door curtain with thermal break and normal track application. Performance characteristics: CE marking according to DIN EN 13241-1 With Environmental Product Declaration (EPD*) acc. to ISO 14025 and prEN 15804 *ift Rosenheim EPD-HSRL-0.9.1 Unfinished structural opening (width x height): 2000-5000 x 2000-6500 mm Application areas: Night doors, commercial halls, industrial halls, warehouses, underground garages, collective garages, external door, material processing, industrial doors
  • Door leaf: PU-foamed door sections with thermal break made of hot-galvanized sheet steel. Depth 42 mm, section height 250 mm. Seals between the individual profiles, side element seals. Optional double/triple glazing or ventilation grilles in aluminium extrusion profiles Surface: Exterior of the sections moulded Micrograin, interior Stucco-textured. In RAL 9006 White aluminium (standard). Optionally also in RAL to choose (following consultation and approval). Door guide: Side guides made of canted, galvanized material (track application N). Precise guiding thanks to lateral plastic rollers and chain guide, counterbalance via tension spring. Ceiling connection required. Door operation: Direct drive operator with electromagnetic brake, integral catch safety device, digital limit switch, motor power 1.5 kW, connecting voltage 400 V, 50 Hz, protection category IP 54. Operator side right/left. Emergency opening via emergency hand chain. Control AK 500 FUE 1 in plastic control box, IP 54, 3-phase, 400 V, size (W x H x D) = 230 x 460 x 200 mm, frequency converter, electronic travel limit setting, Open-Stop-Close membrane push button, main switch, emergency-off button, automatic timer and display, connection cable with CEE plug and 3 volt-free contacts. Closing edge safety device via self-monitoring safety light curtain integrated in the side guides. Max. monitoring height 2500 mm, in IP 67 version. Door travel speeds Opening: approx. 1.5 – 2.5 m/s Closing: approx. 0.5 m/s Fitting: Professional fitting of a door including wiring as well as adjustment/alignment and test run on an existing base construction that is suitable for fitting the door. Application areas: Night doors, commercial halls, industrial halls, warehouses, underground garages, collective garages, external door, material processing, industrial doors
Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnota1352
  • Skupina výrobkůIndustrial doors
  • Skupina produktůHigh-speed doors
  • Datum zveřejnění2021-01-03
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Výška (mm)6500
  • Šířka (mm)5000
  • Hlavní materiálOcel
  • Vedlejší materiálPolyuretan
  • Navrženo vNěmecko
  • Vyrobeno vNěmecko
  • Kategorie objektu BIMDveře - Dveře Industriální
  • Klasifikace IFCDveře
  • Název UNSPSCMetal doors
  • Kód UNSPSC30171505
  • Kód Uniclass 2015Ss_25_30_20_40
  • Popis Uniclass 2015Industrial doorset systems
  • Číslo OmniClass23-17 11 13 25
  • Název OmniClassOverhead Metal Doors
  • Kód CSI UniFormat IIB2030
  • Název CSI UniFormat IIExterior Doors