The robust, hard-wearing properties of Forbo’s Needlefelt floors make it ideal for installations that meet high traffic or where chairs with castors are likely to be used, such as in offices or retail establishments. Needlefelt carpet is a cost-effective alternative to conventional broadloom carpet in heavily used areas where a practical and durable textile floor covering is required.
Forte tiles combine the ease of handling, optimized installation and maintenance benefits of modular flooring, with all the durability and economic advantages of a needlefelt floor. Forte tiles are based on the Forte sheet construction and use the same polyamide structure with latex binder and fibre backing layer.
Available in a select range of 12 commercial colour options.
Reliable. Recognizable. Practical.
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie |
Andorra | Bahrain |
Belgie | Jordánsko |
Bělorusko | Omán |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Spojené arabské emiráty |
Bulharsko | Turecko |
Černá Hora | |
Česká republika | |
Chorvatsko | |
Dánsko | |
Estonsko | |
Finsko | |
Francie | |
Irsko | |
Island | |
Itálie | |
Kypr | |
Lichtenštejnsko | |
Litva | |
Lotyšsko | |
Lucembursko | |
Maďarsko | |
Malta | |
Moldavsko | |
Německo | |
Nizozemsko | |
Norsko | |
ostrov Man | |
Polsko | |
Portugalsko | |
Rakousko | |
Řecko | |
Rumunsko | |
Rusko | |
San Marino | |
Slovensko | |
Slovinsko | |
Španělsko | |
Srbsko | |
Švédsko | |
Švýcarsko | |
Ukrajina | |
Vatikán | |
Velká Británie |