Coral Interior offers an entrance system that is very easy to install with a minimum of installation waste. A unique flooring concept for the area behind the entrance such as lounges, corridors and lift rooms. The Coral Interior colours coordinate with our other Coral ranges for a nice fit with the colours around your door.
Coral Interior comes in a box with 6 planks (100x25cm) and 6 tiles (50x50cm). There is no need for a pattern: the tiles and planks can be laid at random and always result in a beautiful floor design!
• Mix of planks and tiles for ultimate random effect
• Easy and quick installation (no pattern)
• Unique product for both entrance and circulation zones
• Suitable for the toughest commercial use
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie |
Andorra | Bahrain |
Belgie | Jordánsko |
Bělorusko | Omán |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Spojené arabské emiráty |
Bulharsko | Turecko |
Černá Hora | |
Česká republika | |
Chorvatsko | |
Dánsko | |
Estonsko | |
Finsko | |
Francie | |
Irsko | |
Island | |
Itálie | |
Kypr | |
Lichtenštejnsko | |
Litva | |
Lotyšsko | |
Lucembursko | |
Maďarsko | |
Malta | |
Moldavsko | |
Německo | |
Nizozemsko | |
Norsko | |
ostrov Man | |
Polsko | |
Portugalsko | |
Rakousko | |
Řecko | |
Rumunsko | |
Rusko | |
San Marino | |
Slovensko | |
Slovinsko | |
Španělsko | |
Srbsko | |
Švédsko | |
Švýcarsko | |
Ukrajina | |
Vatikán | |
Velká Británie |