Publikovat produkty
Pannello isolante Poliuretano PIR accoppiato cartongesso: GIBITEC® PLUS

Pannello isolante Poliuretano PIR accoppiato cartongesso: GIBITEC® PLUS

GIBITEC® PLUS is a prefabricated semi-sandwich panel composed of a plasterboard layer of 13 mm (or 10 mm) coupled with POLIISO® PLUS expanded polyurethane panels coated with aluminum foil. The panels have a standard size of 1200 x 3000 mm and come in a wide variety of thicknesses. The POLIISO® PLUS panel has thermal conductivity values of λD equal to 0,022 W/mK and compressive strength values ≥150 kPa.

APPLICATIONS WITH GIBITEC® PLUS: interior walls insulation

Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotapoliiso-gibitec
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2024-12-19
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Kategorie objektu BIMStavební materiály - Izolace