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    QUICK STEP laminate flooring, an extremely versatile, durable and timeless floor, which will allow you to use it in all rooms of the home, since its installation can be performed without problem and with total guarantee in wet areas through Hydroseal technology (kitchens and bathrooms). The taste and design that prevail in all our collections compose environments and styles both classic and avant-garde, welcoming different formats both in slats and tiles. The design that each user wants for their home project is covered with Quick Step pavements as they fit the needs and style of each client. In addition, Quick Step laminate flooring is an extraordinary alternative to ceramic floors for several reasons: - Warmth - Decoration - Natural touch and imitation wood - High traffic and scratch resistance with its Scratch Guard finish (allows installation in hotels, retail and leisure centers in addition to residential). - Ease of installation thanks to its UNICLIC system. - Ease, cleanliness and speed of repair if necessary. They are fully suitable for installation with radiant heating and underfloor cooling systems, due to their low thermal resistance and high heat inertia capacity, no matter where the source of heat or cold comes from: aerothermal, geothermal or electric. Quick Step laminate flooring is a unique and exclusive solution to enjoy every room for many years as it offers a guarantee of up to 25 years. Sustainable flooring Quick-Step laminate floors have been awarded the EU Ecolabel. This means that they are made of at least 80% sustainably sourced wood, that they avoid the use of hazardous substances in their composition and that they are produced in energy-efficient factories. In addition, Quick-Step laminate floors have a very long service life and an extended product warranty, are easy to repair and easy to remove. When they reach the end of their life, they can be disposed of as treated wood in waste disposal facilities. Laminate flooring wood is renewable and retains the greenhouse gas CO2 throughout the life cycle of the floor.
    • Quick Step laminate flooring, model CAPTURE in 1380x212x9mm planks, with V-grooved bevel pressed on four sides, suitable for wet areas with Hydroseal technology, class of use 23-32 (EN 13329) with different finishes to be defined by DF, consisting of HDF base, coated on the decorative side with melamine paper and a waterproofing overlay for dense traffic with Scratch Guard technology, fire resistance CFL-S1 (according to EN 14041), resistance to abrasion AC4 and impact IC2, permanent antistatic characteristics: ≤ 2kV (according to EN1815), Light resistance according to (EN13329 REF>6 ) and cigarette burn resistance class 5. Impact noise reduction: ΔLw≈18 dB (ISO 712/2). Heat resistance: 0.059 m²K/W (EN12996) on Quick Step subfloor.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotasignature-sig4762
    • Skupina výrobkůQUICK STEP
    • Skupina produktůLaminate
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2021-04-15
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Výška (mm)9
    • Šířka (mm)212
    • Hloubka (mm)1380
    • Hlavní materiálLaminát
    • Vedlejší materiálLaminát
    • Navrženo vŠpanělsko
    • Vyrobeno vŠpanělsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMPodlahy - Laminát
    • Klasifikace IFCKrytina
    • Název UNSPSCLaminate flooring
    • Kód UNSPSC30161710
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Ss_30_20_95_15
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Composite laminate floating floor systems
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201409 62 19
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Laminate Flooring
    • Číslo OmniClass23-15 17 11
    • Název OmniClassFlooring Specialties and Accessories
    • Kód CSI UniFormat IIC3020
    • Název CSI UniFormat IIFloor Finishes