The Downtown Rack uses thick, square-tube construction that can't be cut with a pipe cutter. The extended width of the Downtown Rack makes for easy bike parking by giving the bike full support and multiple locking points for a u-style bike lock.
Break-a-way nuts or concrete spike anti-theft hardware options are included with the Downtown Rack.
Parks two bikes.
Dostupnost regionu
Oceánie | Severní Amerika | Jižní Amerika | Evropa | Asie |
Austrálie | Kanada | Chile | Island | Hongkong |
Nový Zéland | Mexiko | Kolumbie | Maďarsko | Izrael |
Spojené státy americké | Nizozemsko | Katar | ||
Norsko | Singapur | |||
Švédsko | ||||
Velká Británie |