The Crestron® RMC4 provides a secure, high‑performance, cost-effective control processor and interface for controlling and monitoring for a single display device, a small AV system, lighting and shading, climate control, security, energy management, and many other specialized applications. A small form factor allows the RMC4 to be placed just about anywhere, with the option to attach it to a flat surface or DIN rail using the included mounting bracket. The RMC4 can fit easily behind a video display or above a projector, and provides enough control ports to control the display device along with a screen or lift.
4-Series Control Engine
4-Series™ control systems come equipped with an upgraded multicore CPU, delivering a sizable speed and performance increase compared to all Crestron 3‑Series® control processors. The improved performance allows 4-Series control systems to handle the increasing demands of an advanced automated system. Crestron 4-Series delivers a dynamic and secure control system platform capable of managing a room full of disparate technologies.
Reliable networking and IP control afford seamless integration with other systems and devices, with add-on control capability using Crestron touch screens, wireless remotes, and mobile device apps, as well as remote management through Crestron Fusion® software and the XiO Cloud® service.
Modular Programming Architecture
The RMC4 is designed to run a single program out of the box. The optional modular programming architecture (MPA) add-on allows the RMC4 to run up to ten programs simultaneously.1 Programmers can develop and run independent, device‑specific programs, enabling each program to be optimized for a specific function and allowing for changes to be made to one program without affecting the whole system.
Onboard Control Ports
Through a full complement of onboard control ports, the RMC4 can be integrated with a wide variety of audio, video, lighting, motorized shades, thermostats, door locks, sensors, security systems, and other equipment.
Expanded connectivity can be provided to the RMC4 via Crestron control port expansion modules, Ethernet to Cresnet bridges, wired Ethernet I/O extenders, or Wi-Fi® network I/O extenders (all sold separately).
Crestron Fusion Room Monitoring and Scheduling
Crestron Fusion provides an integrated platform for creating smart buildings that save energy and enhance worker productivity. As part of a complete managed network in a corporate enterprise, college campus, convention center, or any other facility, the RMC4 works with Crestron Fusion to enable remote scheduling, monitoring, and control of rooms and technology from a central help desk or mobile app. It also enables organizations to reduce energy consumption by tracking real-time usage and automating control of AV, lighting, shades, and HVAC. For more information about Crestron Fusion, visit
XiO Cloud Provisioning and Management
4-Series control systems leverage the power and flexibility of XiO Cloud services, enabling users to remotely provision, monitor, and manage supported Crestron and third-party devices across an enterprise network. XiO Cloud can be used to configure and load programs to the control system before it is received, making the control system fully functional as soon as it is connected to the network. XiO Cloud is built on the Microsoft® Azure® software platform and utilizes Microsoft's industry leading Azure IoT Hub technology. XiO Cloud enables installers and IT managers to deploy and manage thousands of devices in the time it previously took to manage just one. Unlike other virtual machine based cloud solutions, Azure services provide unlimited scalability to suit the ever growing needs of an enterprise. For more information, visit
Enhanced Enterprise-Grade Security
The RMC4 is an enterprise‑class control processor that can be deployed across hundreds of spaces and set up easily using a web browser, Crestron Toolbox™ software, or Crestron XiO Cloud. It employs standard network security protocols, including 802.1X network access control, Active Directory® service authentication, SSH, TLS, and HTTPS to ensure reliability and compliance with your organization’s IT policies.
The RMC4 is configured to meet Crestron's enhanced security standards right out of the box. The RMC4 ships with authentication enabled and requires that an administrator account be created before access is granted to device configuration and control interfaces.
SNMP V3 Support
Built-in SNMP V3 support enables integration with third-party IT management software, allowing network administrators to manage and control Crestron systems on the network in an IT-friendly format.
BACnet Support
Native support for the BACnet communication protocol provides a direct interface to third-party building management systems over Ethernet, simplifying integration with HVAC, security, and other systems. Using BACnet, each system runs independently but communicates together on one platform.3
Apple HomeKit Integration
The RMC4 supports integration with an Apple® HomeKit® technology system. Once the RMC4 is paired with a HomeKit system via SIMPL programming, a Crestron TSR-310 can be used to control supported Apple devices. A pairing QR code is affixed to the RMC4 that makes it easy to pair the control system directly to the Apple Home app.4
PoE Network Powered
Using PoE technology, the RMC4 gets its operating power directly through the LAN wiring, eliminating the need for a local power supply or dedicated power wiring. A PoE injector (PWE‑4803RU) simply connects in line with the LAN cable at a convenient location. Crestron PoE switches (CEN‑SW‑POE-5 or CEN‑SWPOE‑16) may also be used to provide a total networking solution with built-in PoE. All PoE injectors and switches are sold separately.
Integrator Friendly Enclosure
The RMC4 features the Crestron IFE form factor, a compact Integrator Friendly Enclosure design that fits almost anywhere and enables a variety of installation options. Its shape allows multiple RMC4 and other IFE compliant devices to be stacked together. Using the included mounting bracket, it can be fastened to a flat surface or snapped onto a standard DIN rail. Rack mount and pole mount kits are also available (sold separately).
Dostupnost regionu
Evropa | Asie | Severní Amerika | Afrika | Jižní Amerika | Oceánie |
Ålandy | Afghánistán | Anguilla | Alžírsko | Argentina | Americká Samoa |
Albánie | Arménie | Antigua a Barbuda | Angola | Bolívie | Austrálie |
Andorra | Ázerbájdžán | Aruba | Benin | Brazílie | Cookovy ostrovy |
Belgie | Bahrain | Bahamy | Botswana | Chile | Federativní státy Mikronésie |
Bělorusko | Bangladéš | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ekvádor | Fidži |
Bosna a Hercegovina | Bhútán | Belize | Burundi | Falklandy (Malvíny) | Francouzská Polynésie |
Bulharsko | Britské indickoocenánské území | Bermudské ostrovy | Čad | Francouzská Guyana | Guam |
Černá Hora | Brunej | Britské Panenské ostrovy | Demokratická republika Kongo | Guyana | Kiribati |
Česká republika | Čína | Curaçao | Džibuti | Kolumbie | Marshallovy ostrovy |
Chorvatsko | Filipíny | Dominika | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Dánsko | Gruzie | Dominikánská republika | Eritrea | Peru | Niue |
Estonsko | Hongkong | Gaudeloupe | Etiopie | Surinam | Nová Kaledonie |
Faerské ostrovy | Indie | Grenada | Gabon | Uruguay | Nový Zéland |
Finsko | Indonésie | Grónsko | Gambie | Venezuela | ostrov Norfolk |
Francie | Irák | Guatemala | Ghana | Palau | |
Gibraltar | Írán | Haiti | Guinea | Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Guernsey | Izrael | Honduras | Guinea Bissau | Pitcairnovy ostrovy | |
Irsko | Japonsko | Jamajka | Jihoafrická republika | Šalamounovy ostrovy | |
Island | Jemen | Kajmanské ostrovy | Jižní Súdán | Samoa | |
Itálie | Jordánsko | Kanada | Kamerun | Severní Mariany | |
Jan Mayen | Kambodža | Karibské Nizozemsko | Kapverdy | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Katar | Kostarika | Keňa | Tonga | |
Kypr | Kazachstán | Kuba | Komorské ostrovy | Tuvalu | |
Lichtenštejnsko | Kokosové ostrovy | Martinik | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Litva | Korejská lidově demokratická republika | Mexiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Lotyšsko | Korejská republika | Montserrat | Libérie | Východní Timor | |
Lucembursko | Kuvajt | Nikaragua | Lybie | Wallis a Futuna | |
Maďarsko | Kyrgyzstán | ostrovy Turks a Caicos | Madagaskar | ||
Malta | Laos | Panama | Malawi | ||
Moldavsko | Libanon | Pannenske Ostrovy | Mali | ||
Monako | Macao | Portoriko | Maroko | ||
Německo | Malajsie | Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | Mauricius | ||
Nizozemsko | Maledivy | Salvador | Mauritánie | ||
Norsko | Mongolsko | Spojené státy americké | Mayotte | ||
ostrov Man | Myanmar (Barma) | Svatá Lucie | Mosambik | ||
Polsko | Nepál | Svatý Bartoloměj | Namibie | ||
Portugalsko | Omán | Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | Niger | ||
Rakousko | Pákistán | Svatý Martin | Nigérie | ||
Řecko | Palestinská území | Svatý Martin | Pobřeží slonoviny | ||
Rumunsko | Saúdská Arábie | Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | Réunion | ||
Rusko | Singapur | Trinidad a Tobago | Rovníková Guinea | ||
San Marino | Spojené arabské emiráty | Rwanda | |||
Severní Makedonie | Šrí Lanka | Senegal | |||
Slovensko | Sýrie | Seychely | |||
Slovinsko | Tádžikistán | Sierra Leone | |||
Španělsko | Tchaj-wan | Somálsko | |||
Srbsko | Thajsko | Středoafrická republika | |||
Švédsko | Turecko | Súdán | |||
Švýcarsko | Turkmenistán | Svatá Helena | |||
Ukrajina | Uzbekistán | Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov | |||
Vatikán | Vánoční ostrov | Svazijsko | |||
Velká Británie | Vietnam | Tanzánie | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunisko | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambie | |||||
Západní Sahara | |||||
Zimbabwe |