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SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators, ASME/CRN (ANSI flange, 2-6") - NA Market

SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators, ASME/CRN (ANSI flange, 2-6") - NA Market

The Caleffi SEP4™ 4-in-1 combination separator incorporates four important functions for hydronic systems: hydraulic separation, air separation, dirt separation and ferrous impurity separation.
The unique geometry and design of the separator causes the connected primary and secondary circuits to be hydraulically de-coupled to prevent pump conflict from occurring. An internal screen element facilitates the coalescing and capture of micro-bubbles to facilitate high performance automatic removal, while concurrently causing the capture of non-ferrous debris particles down to 5 micron size. A powerful magnetic field induced by rare-earth neodymium magnets facilitates the capture of ferrous impurities such as iron oxide down to microscopic size thus delivering 2½ times the ferrous impurity removal performance of standard air and dirt separators.
The SEP4™ saves on system installation and maintenance costs as four devices are combined into one. Additionally, all captured debris is blown down through the purge valve without requiring to take the system offline.



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  • Combination hydraulic, air, dirt and magnetic separator. ANSI B16.5 CLASS 150 RF flanged connections 2", 2½", 3", 4", 5” and 6”. Epoxy resin painted steel body with brass drywell for external removable neodymium rare-earth magnet, code F0000435 for 2", 2½", code 49684A for 3" to 6", included. 300 series stainless steel internal coalescing mesh. Vessel working temperature range of 32–220°F (0–105°C) with insulation, 32–270°F (0–132°C) without insulation. Water or glycol solution to 50% maximum. Max. working pressure 150 psi (10 bar). Air separation efficiency: 100% removal to microbubble level. Particle separation capacity: μm (0.2 mil). Ferrous impurities separation efficiency: up to 100% removal. Supplied with: code 501502A automatic air vent with ¾" NPT female outlet connection and brass body VITON air vent seal and stainless steel air vent float. Code NA39589 brass body ¾" NPT female shut-off ball valve with T-handle for air vent. Code NA39753 lever-operated drain ball valve brass body with 1" NPT female connection for 2” to 4”, Code NA39588 lever-operated drain ball valve brass body with 1 ¼” NPT female connection for 5” and 6” sizes. Rigid closed cell expanded polyurethane foam shell insulation, for sizes 2” to 4”, with external embossed aluminum cover. The separator is designed and built in accordance Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and tagged and registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector, and CRN registered, and stamped for 150 psi (10 bar) working pressure, with ASME U stamp.

    PLEASE download from "DOWNLOAD" panel on this page, the Revit Content Instruction Guide, to aid in understanding what is in the Revit family and how to select various available options.

Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaSEP4FlangeInline
  • Skupina výrobkůHVAC
  • Skupina produktůNorth America
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2019-02-20
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Hlavní materiálOcel
  • Vedlejší materiálPolyethylen
  • Navrženo vItálie
  • Vyrobeno vItálie
  • Kategorie objektu BIMHVAC - VZT
  • Klasifikace IFCVentil
  • Název UNSPSCValves
  • Kód UNSPSC401416
  • Kód Uniclass 2015Ss_60
  • Popis Uniclass 2015Heating, cooling and refrigeration systems
  • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201423 00 00
  • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Číslo OmniClass23-27 31 00
  • Název OmniClassValves
  • Kód CSI UniFormat IID30
  • Název CSI UniFormat IIHVAC

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Severní Amerika
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