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Mono PM 1-layer system, inside corner
Mono PM 1-layer system, inside corner
Mono PM 1-layer system, inside corner
Mono PM 1-layer system, inside corner

    Mono PM 1-layer system, inside corner

    1-layer SBS-modified bitumen roofing membrane, mechanical fastened on condense insulated wooden substrate with a 20 mm board of mineral wool:
    1. Substrate: Wooden panels ≥ 23 mm
    2. Bitumen underlayer: Minimum Micoral YAM 2000
    3. Condense insulation: 20 mm Board of mineral wool with surface compression resistance > 60 kPa
    4. Mechanical fastener: Screw and plate
    5. Roofing felt: Mono PM mechanical fastned and welded seams
    6. Corner reinforcement: Hörnmembran
    7. Single ply membrane, at details: Mono PM
    Mono PM are available in slate grey (standard) or in white colour.

    • 1-layer SBS-modified bitumen roofing membrane, mechanical fastened on condense insulated wooden substrate with a 20 mm board of mineral wool.
      External fire performance: BROOF(t2).
      System can be used where there is a need for insulation on wooden substrate.
      Mono PM are available in slate grey (standard) or in white colour.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotamono-pm-1-layer-system-inside-corner
    • Skupina výrobkůWater Proofing Membrane
    • Skupina produktůSingle ply system
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2024-12-17
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Hlavní materiálBitumen
    • Vedlejší materiálSkelná vata
    • Navrženo vŠvédsko
    • Vyrobeno vŠvédsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMStavební materiály - Voděodolné
    • Klasifikace IFCStřecha
    • Kód ETIMEG020300
    • Název ETIMBuilding - Roofing materials
    • Kód Uniclass 2015Ss_30_40_30_72
    • Popis Uniclass 2015Reinforced bitumen membrane warm roof covering systems
    • Kód CSI MasterFormat 201407 52 16.14
    • Název CSI MasterFormat 2014Mechanically Fastened Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
    • Číslo OmniClass23-13 39 31 11
    • Název OmniClassSingle Layer Roof Membranes