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IS-XPT-2000 Inspired XPert Player, Inspired XPert Hardware Solution That Delivers Brilliant Digital Signage to Each Display

IS-XPT-2000 Inspired XPert Player, Inspired XPert Hardware Solution That Delivers Brilliant Digital Signage to Each Display

The IS-XPT-2000 Inspired XPert Player is the Inspired XPert hardware solution that delivers brilliant digital signage to each display. It features a new design which is smaller and lighter allowing it to be installed behind a display. It supports 1080p with processing power to simultaneously display HD video, images, text, and internet feeds smoothly and reliably. NetLinx programming options provide the ability to easily combine Inspired XPert with AMX Control systems to create messaging solutions that involve the entire environment including lights, audio, and control over connected displays.

The IS-XPT-2000 is used with Inspired Composer Desktop or Inspired Composer Server software, which enables organizations to manage and publish content while maintaining the consistency and quality of their digital signage.

Ideal for larger digital signage applications where organizations have multiple content contributors. Inspired XPert is used by businesses, retailers, schools and other public venues to provide engaging messages to their audience, with content being provided by several individuals throughout a department or group while maintaining a top-quality, professional design.


  • Workflow Management Tools - includes control of what a contributor can edit, plus a review and approval process prior to content being published
  • Professional Templates Available - make it easy for users to create high-quality content quickly
  • Use Existing Assets - allows users to easily re-purpose existing design assets like images, logos and videos
  • New, Smaller Player - small enough to be installed behind a display
  • Subscription Free - no on-going software license fees


  • H.264 Decode - Play H.264-encoded videos stored on the IS-XPT-2000 or streamed across the network
  • Multiscreen - Using custom content provided by AMX, create high-resolution signage walls or ribbons that span multiple displays (requires one IS-XPT-2000 per display)
  • Serial Control - Use the serial port on the IS-XPT-2000 to control the signage display

Keywords: Harman

Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaamx-00072
  • Skupina výrobkůElectronics
  • Skupina produktůCable Transmission and Reception Control Equipment
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2012-05-01
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Kategorie objektu BIMElektronika - Komunikace
  • Klasifikace IFCDistribuce el. energie

Dostupnost regionu

Severní Amerika
Spojené státy americké